Share This Walter U Lum Place, San Francisco, CA 94108(415) 274-67509:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Mon-Thurs & 9:00 AM to 12:30PM, Friday. Working remotely during COVID-19

About Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA)

Chinese for Affirmative Action was founded in 1969 to protect the civil and political rights of Chinese Americans and to advance multiracial democracy in the United States. Today, CAA is a progressive voice in and on behalf of the broader Asian American and Pacific Islander community. We advocate for systemic change that protects immigrant rights, promotes language diversity, and remedies racial and social injustice.

Highlighted Services

CAA is a 51 year old civil rights organization that leverages multiple strategies towards change including policy advocacy, strategic communications, community engagement, and direct services. In relation to immigration, CAA conducts outreach and hosts community education workshops on basic immigrant know-your-rights, language access rights, non-citizen voting rights in San Francisco School Board Elections, and regular updates regarding changes to immigration policies. CAA provides direct services through our in-language hotlines, one-on-one case support and assistance, and legal referrals to low income immigrants in San Francisco on a range of immigration issues, most commonly lawful permanent residency renewal and naturalization. For issues that fall outside the scope of our expertise, staff will conduct pre-screenings and referrals to trusted, low-cost, community legal service providers. For more information about CAA’s direct immigration services, please click on the flyer.

For general inquiries about their specific immigration situations, community members are encouraged to contact CAA’s immigration hotline at 415-761-3222.

Jose Ng | Immigrant Rights Program Manager, DOJ Accredited Representative

Jose Ng, Immigrant Rights Program Manager, provides direct services to community members in one-on-one settings, ensuring strong relationships with immigrant legal service providers and warm referrals for community members. Jose develops materials for and conducts community education to make immigrant resources, including information, materials, and legal services, accessible.

Prior to working in the Bay Area, he served refugees and political asylum seekers at the Marjorie Kovler Center for the Treatment of Survivors of Torture-Heartland Alliance and the Iraqi Mutual Aid Society, both in Chicago. He holds a Master’s Degree in Social Justice from Loyola University Chicago and a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from Lingnan University in Hong Kong.

Jose is bilingual and biliterate in Cantonese and Mandarin.

Olivia Zheng | Immigrant Rights Community Advocate

Olivia Zheng, Immigrant Rights Community Advocate, graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in American Studies and a concentration in Migration Studies from Amherst College. Olivia works as a direct services provider and facilitates legal referrals to ensure that community members can access support in applying for immigration benefits. She conducts community outreach and education through researching policy changes, compiling legal resources, and planning community workshops. Olivia brings several years of experience in coordinating social justice education at Amherst College. She has also worked in policy research at the Los Angeles City Council and the National Domestic Workers Alliance.

Olivia is fluent in Mandarin.