Lara Kiswani is the director of the Arab Resource and Organization Center (MEE/Susana Mendoza)
Tuesday 13 December 2016 20:37 UTC
“According to the organisation, 2016 has seen a stark increase in the number of Islamophobic-related incidents in the city, known worldwide for its tolerance and support of minorities. Although there is no specific data on physical or verbal attacks, AROC says it has received many complaints regarding anti-Muslim aggression compared to 2015.
‘We have been working on hate crime-related issues since the days of Bush’s special registration for Muslims, so we have a pretty wide legal base and database about Islamophobia and xenophobic-related attacks,’ Kiswani said. “’But in 2016 and during Trump’s campaign, we have definitely seen a hike in the numbers of such attacks, even higher than in 9/11’s aftermath.'”
Article written by Susana Mendoza @ To read the complete article, click here.